Armazém Coffee Shop

It is not a conventional coffee shop, but rather designed to function as a cultural, social and retail venue.

The Armazém Cafés Especiais coffee shop is located inside a shopping mall in São José dos Pinhais, outside of Curitiba. It is not a conventional coffee shop, but rather designed to function as a cultural, social and retail venue. It is a quiet space for customers to meet, try different varieties of coffee and participate in educational events related to the coffee world. The coffee bar and seating face each other, and the service area is separated by a printed glass wall. The space is entirely clad in hazel-red Jatobá wood, cut to size in-situ, which provides a sense of intimacy without disconnecting the coffee shop from the bright and vibrant mall.

São José dos Pinhais, Brazil

Gallery Café


Klein Apartment